regista, autore: Pietro Borzì
TITOLO: Between Stage And Reality
ANNO: 2019
GENERE: Fiction
DURATA: 20 min
“Between Stage And Reality” comes to life from the fascination surrounding the Wrestling world, and explores the daily-life of the ones who live it. It is about performing, and the act of falling and getting back up again, not only on the ring. It tells the life stories of those who need to appear different, and it does so with a discreet eye.
Revealing what is true and what is faux is not relevant here. “Between Stage And Reality” explores the reasons why we choose to wear a mask to be accepted by others.
Roland Barthes, the French literary theorist, philosopher, semiotician and author of The World Of Wrestling (1957) said: “In the ring wrestlers remain gods because they are, for a few moments, the key which opens Nature, the pure gesture which separates Good from Evil, and unveils the form of a Justice which is at last intelligible.”